Is this nutsedge before I spend a bunch of money on Sedge Hammer?

I used both SedgeEnder and Sedgehammer. I found SedgeEnder to be easier with the hose sprayer. It killed it all quickly. Sedgehammer took longer to spray and for it to die. Both prevent it from reoccurring…at least in the same spot.

Halo or Empero in spray form to treat active plants. Then Prodiamine granules broadcast at the correct times for your grow zone. It will take a little time, but you can get it under control. Google Yard Mastery for their app on timing. They have good prices on products delivered to your door. I am not sponsored.

Yes, specifically, it’s yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus).

There is a genetic version of Sedgehammer. Do what you want with this information.

Bonus points to anyone who finds the spiderweb.

Vexus works well on nutsedge; it just takes a while.

Sedgehammer has a generic version that’s only $12 to make a couple gallons of spray. One application was all I needed. Some people need to reapply. Look for the 13.5-gram packets. It’s just a dry powder you add to water. I used an old Windex bottle. It has a surfactant built in if it’s the Sedgehammer+ generic. The plus means surfactant.

It’s everywhere in my yard this year. So is winter creeper.

I used Ortho Nut Grass Killer this year and it worked great; one application killed it all. This amount, though, may call for the hammer.

Confirmed 100% yellow nutsedge.

Hit it with the hammer.

I’ll catch some hate here, but honestly, Ortho Nutsedge Killer is the simplest product for this. No mixing required, just connect to hose, spray, and it’s gone with ZERO damage to the yard. It’s one of the few big box off-the-shelf chemicals that always works as intended.

Oh shoot, I thought that was supergrass. I gotta get rid of them also.

I have this in my yard and never knew what it was! I plan on treating it with a preemergent herbicide for crabgrass once spring comes around. Will that treat this too?

I’d just pull those by hand since there are only a few. /s

Caden said:
I’d just pull those by hand since there are only a few. /s

Agree. It’s super easy to pull out, especially in the morning when the ground is wet.

Shiloh said:

Caden said:
I’d just pull those by hand since there are only a few. /s

Agree. It’s super easy to pull out, especially in the morning when the ground is wet.

Don’t pull Nutsedge! It is nearly impossible to get all of the nutlets at the end of the roots and encourages it to spread. Best way is herbicide use.

Clearly sarcasm hence the “/s” at the end.

Kim said:
Clearly sarcasm hence the “/s” at the end.

Not clear, this is the first time in my existence learning that “/s” = sarcasm. I don’t think I’m alone on this.

Lior said:

Kim said:
Clearly sarcasm hence the “/s” at the end.

Not clear, this is the first time in my existence learning that “/s” = sarcasm. I don’t think I’m alone on this.

Ah okay well colloquially that’s known as the sarcasm indicator since the days of yore when dial-up was cutting edge and the fine smell of newspaper print permeated the living room every Sunday morning.