I just moved in. What type of grass is this?
The submissions are in for the 2024 Lawn of the Year contest! Vote for the best lawn of 2024 here!
Looks like fine fescue
Marlow said:
Long grass
You beat me to it
Fine fescue or creeping red fescue
Don’t cut it low right away. Mow it several times at different heights, going no lower than 3 inches on the first pass, then mulch on the second.
It’s going to look beautiful when you cut it. Mow on the highest setting for the first cut, then a day later cut it to 4 inches while mulching. Enjoy!
Fine fescue that has not been cut
Reese said:
Fine fescue that has not been cut
Not so fine fescue then
Reese said:
Fine fescue that has not been cut
Not so fine fescue then
It’s fine, just too long. It won’t stand up unless it’s maybe 3 inches tall. But it’s good to have as a filler with other grasses. It spreads pretty quickly, like Kentucky bluegrass.
Reese said:
Fine fescue that has not been cut
Not so fine fescue then
As a sub-outsider, I’ve noticed that these people take lawns seriously. They may not take themselves seriously, but they all take their lawn seriously. Your joke was clever though.
By me, we’d call this sheep’s fine fescue. Check it out here: Sheeps Fine Fescue Xeriscaping Drought Tolerant Lawn Grass & Erosion Control
Wynn said:
By me, we’d call this sheep’s fine fescue. Check it out here: Sheeps Fine Fescue Xeriscaping Drought Tolerant Lawn Grass & Erosion Control
Nice link. I was going to lay seed for some dead spots we have, so I’ll probably use this
I have a section of this red fescue and I really like it. When it goes dormant, you’d think it’s done for, but it really comes back to life in the fall. Only problem is that rabbits love it.
Terry said:
I have a section of this red fescue and I really like it. When it goes dormant, you’d think it’s done for, but it really comes back to life in the fall. Only problem is that rabbits love it.
We have a ton of rabbits in the neighborhood and some dead spots in the front yard. That makes sense; they are probably eating it.
And it provides good cover for them, as well as a comfy bed in their holes. I can guarantee you have a few nests. Be careful mowing when they’re breeding; you might step in a few.
Terry said:
And it provides good cover for them, as well as a comfy bed in their holes. I can guarantee you have a few nests. Be careful mowing when they’re breeding; you might step in a few.
Good to know, thank you
Forgotten fine fescue