South of Tampa, FL - what’s ruining my yard? The browning areas, the mounds, and the holes ):

You have a dog or a lot of dog walkers?

Cal said:
You have a dog or a lot of dog walkers?

no but I know that there are a lot of people in my neighborhood that walk their dogs :unamused: I would hope my neighbors are kind enough to not let my yard be the designated tinkle spot :cry:

Dog is gonna dog where dog needs to dog my dawg. With that being said. Do you water or let nature take control over that?

Cal said:
Dog is gonna dog where dog needs to dog my dawg. With that being said. Do you water or let nature take control over that?

A blend of both! We have sprinklers, but tbh we’re so new to the house that we haven’t seen how far of an area that the sprinklers spray :face_with_raised_eyebrow: How often should I be watering my lawn? And do you think I can still save my lawn if I start watering it more frequently? :cry: