I’m a new homeowner, and I’m seriously panicking . I live just south of Tampa.
My lawn is browning really badly in a circular area and the spot right next to it is browning too. On top of that, the grass by the curb is starting to turn yellow. What can I do to fix these areas?
Also, in the second-to-last photo, there’s a bunch of dirt mounds. I hosed it down, and whatever was causing the dirt piles seems to be gone now, but I’m curious—what could have caused them?
And the holes in the last photo? I’ve noticed a lot of squirrels in the yard. Could they be responsible for the holes? But would they also cause the dirt mounds? Should I do something to keep the squirrels away from my yard?
Your lawn has brown patch/aka large patch fungus. It’s prime season for this soil-borne disease, and you will get it every year in the same areas. Cut off irrigation.
For more info: Large Patch in Florida Lawns – Gardening Solutions.
Dara said: @Jade
ohhh no do you personally recommend any fungicide brands?
I’m a commercial operator so we use Heritage granular and PPZ liquid, but you can just look for any fungicide labeled for brown patch and follow the label.
Keep in mind what’s already brown won’t “recover” until spring. Only apply fungicide if you see that outer edge turning yellow/orange. Grass will make an almost overnight recovery around April.
Heritage or Pillar granular are both labeled for it. Commercially, we used a fungicide called Fame that worked well.
I would suggest if you have cash to spend or easy access, potash is also good to add to these areas. Strengthen roots, a touch of chlorine helps dry soil. Potassium feeds root growth to help keep the plant intact for recovery.
Brown patch. I seen some of my neighbors who had beautiful STA yards this summer with it. Mostly Floratam. I don’t have to worry about this as I have Citrablue STA. Best solution to get ahead of it is treat your yard with Heritage SC. It’s expensive but it’s a one-hitta quitta.