New Sod Should I Worry About Browning

Thanks, my friend. I think I’ll go to a store and pick up that sprinkler

I have that same sprinkler and love it. It’s so cool being able to control the coverage pattern accurately

Logan said:
I have that same sprinkler and love it. It’s so cool being able to control the coverage pattern accurately

They’re not here to learn their sprinklers were poorly chosen or that they work well

They’re here to explain why their sod failed to root and why it’s everyone else’s fault

I was here to respond to the comment I replied to. Now I’m here to tell you why I was here last time

Edited because apparently I don’t know how to embed a link

Dude with dead sod tells us what sprinklers don’t give good coverage

Hope that’s from experience

Plenty of people say otherwise. Maybe just maybe

1-2 times a day wasn’t enough?

But it could be the sod company’s fault. Maybe go call and yell at them

Zephyr said:
Damn that looks good. I should have mentioned I’m in the Atlanta area. It’s been in the 80s and sunny the last few days since the sod was laid. Thanks for the pictures and feedback everyone!

More water until you start seeing growth. I did a top dress and TTTF overseed in Atlanta and am watering 3 times a day with a partially shaded lawn. It’s been dry and sunny the last few weeks since Helene

Zephyr said:
Damn that looks good. I should have mentioned I’m in the Atlanta area. It’s been in the 80s and sunny the last few days since the sod was laid. Thanks for the pictures and feedback everyone!

Just had zoysia sod put in a week ago (just north of Atlanta). They recommended 25 minutes a day. I decided to do 20 in the morning and 20 in the afternoon, so far so good

During hotter days I watered mine 3 times a day for an hour each time. It turned out great

You’d be surprised how much water it takes to soak through and into the soil below

The best way to tell if it’s getting enough water is to lift up a corner and see if it has soaked through to the soil. That’s when you know it’s been watered enough. Some sprinklers cover a large area but you need to run them for like 1-2 hours to get enough saturation. It honestly looks like you might need more water

Looks like it’s not being watered enough

Way more water dude. Double what you’re currently watering. It might seem excessive but you need to do it

Like others have said, you need to water a lot. I watered mine at 8 am, 12 pm, and 4 pm for about 20 minutes each time

How long is the water running in the morning and evening?

Orion said:
How long is the water running in the morning and evening?

Oops. Wrong comment. I usually run about 40 minutes in the morning and 40 minutes in the evening with a sprinkler. But it doesn’t seem to cover everything. So I’m using a hose on the areas where the sprinkler doesn’t reach for about 15 to 20 minutes

Sorry for the late response. Everyone is talking about water but not how to reach that goal. Your fan sprinkler in the photo doesn’t put out a high volume of water. Mine takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes for 3/4" of water. You should check how much water it gets in a set time. New sod should get like 1 - 1.5" a day, usually for 2-3 weeks. You can add a low rate of fungicide and potassium if you want to add anything to it

Insect damage is possible but less likely this time of year. The sod webworm would be the biggest concern

Honestly, since it’s the edges, it looks like they are drying out first because they have the most exposure to air. Increasing watering is likely the best option. You also need to move at least once if not more to cover the lack of sprinkler coverage

In my opinion, managing a lawn without proper irrigation and keeping it looking great is moderately difficult but doable. I run 2 rainbow sprinklers on a timer from Home Depot that was about $25. This helps ensure coverage and volume when I can’t adjust it myself. This could be built out like irrigation zones instead of the rainbow style I see here

Man, we laid sod this spring and got brown spots around the edges. I think it’s from the shock of being cut. But you do need to water it, don’t overwater it. You water then let it dry. You should feel moisture in the soil if you stick your finger in it. We ended up losing all our sod and ripped it up this fall. The drought got it and I couldn’t keep up with watering. I had better luck with grass seed. Good luck!

Water it. One hour per zone 2-3 times a day. You really can’t overwater it

Have you turned on the sprinkler yet? You have to protect that investment