I’M LOSING MY MIND OVER MY MOLES! They never have the same runs; they’re all over the place. Traps don’t work; they tunnel everywhere else. I tried to locate the master tunnels and they are dormant. I have killed 4 this year, but these now are ruining my newly overseeded yard and it’s driving me nuts.
What traps do you have?
This hits close to home.
Linden said:
This hits close to home.
I’m at a loss. I have a ton of natural areas with pine needles, so they are in there all the time. But every day they pick a different part of my new grass to invade and ruin. It’s 1 acre of land and maybe 2K of grass, so they/it is impossible to find with a trap. I’m LOSING IT!
Me. Literally me. All I want is a putting green in my yard, and every time I get the yard going, they tear it up. I’ve tried everything . Even hooked an exhaust hose up from my lawn mower for over an hour to the holes, and literally the next day a different run popped up.
Exactly! Do we have any ‘nuclear’ options for infestations like ours? Yours might be the same; the runs are so expansive, all over the place, and random. Is there anything besides just hundreds of traps that are fucking expensive AF? I guess not.
My grandpa told me he used to sit on the porch with a pitchfork and waited to see movement. I don’t know if he was lying or not.
Nev said:
My grandpa told me he used to sit on the porch with a pitchfork and waited to see movement. I don’t know if he was lying or not.
100%. When I was a kid, we had an old man that lived across from us. He’d sit in the yard all day, and when he saw moles working, he’d get out his .410 shotgun and sit near the hole. When it started working the mound - BOOM! Worked good if you had all day to waste like a retired old man did.
I mean, people hunt deer for sport. Is that any weirder? You don’t even have to leave your property.
I’m a weenie, so I catch them and release them in the woods, where Reddit assures me they will find a swift death due to gang activity and crippling depression. More humane.
Your yard looks nice! Are those buckets some sort of mole trap?
Hollis said:
Your yard looks nice! Are those buckets some sort of mole trap?
Yeah, the traps are underneath. Buckets over top keep the light from getting into the runs so they don’t get spooked. Honestly, I bet I have him by tonight. It’s crazy how well they work if you get them right over a fresh run.
I like the bucket idea… I’ve never tried that, but I have gotten 6 in the last year… neighbor got 14 last year… they just keep coming…
Neo said:
I like the bucket idea… I’ve never tried that, but I have gotten 6 in the last year… neighbor got 14 last year… they just keep coming…
I got a cairn terrier puppy before the summer, and she caught 8 over the summer, all before she was 6 months old. I was very impressed at how efficient she was at finding them!
I’m so bad at trapping them that I’ve started hiring an expensive service. Any YouTube videos or anything you recommend? I’d love to do it myself.
Dru said:
I’m so bad at trapping them that I’ve started hiring an expensive service. Any YouTube videos or anything you recommend? I’d love to do it myself.
This video pretty much is exactly what I do and same trap I use. The only difference for me is I don’t completely dig out the hole where the trap goes. I just take a shovel and trench where the legs will go and then compress the ground under the release.
How are things at Acme?
I fucking hate those goddamn bastards! I mow 1.5 acres, and trying to catch them all is impossible. It’s unbelievable how much they can destroy in just a day or two.
My two cats catch one every day or two and mice… I have no idea how they find more?!
I hire a mole guy to come put poison worms in their tunnels. These little bastards love destroying my garden beds and yard along with the bushes. Let their dead corpses fertilize my lawn.
Poor moles. Just buy an owl.