Just over 2 weeks after seed down and I am floored by the color, thickness, and speed of germination. All of it. Resilience II TTTF. Seed is seed, right?!? Guess not. How did it take me 20 years of lawnwork to discover big box / Scott’s seed is not that good?
Just overseeded with 100 lbs of Resilience II.
Lane said:
Just overseeded with 100 lbs of Resilience II.
Good lord. How big is your yard?
Great advice which I fortunately realized this year. Since buying my house several years ago, the front lawn has struggled. I recently went through a 70% renovation and purchased seed directly from a landscaping supply company. I had germination within 4 days, it was incredible. Currently on day 10 and just waiting on the final spots to fill in. It’s incredible.
Spring I did the backyard since it had been neglected for about 20 years, had a ton of creeping bamboo, and the previous owners took down a tree. However, I did a lot wrong and was not happy with the leveling. Drought made it worse. Watched a lot of lawn videos, and everyone was like ‘get good seed.’ So I got a soil test, tilled again, leveled, and put down good seed. This stuff looks better in 2 weeks than the other stuff did in a month.
If I may… I am curious about the ‘tiers’ of quality seed. Scott’s seems to be deemed lowest on the totem pole. Where does Jonathan Green fall in the tiers of quality?
Zain said:
If I may… I am curious about the ‘tiers’ of quality seed. Scott’s seems to be deemed lowest on the totem pole. Where does Jonathan Green fall in the tiers of quality?
Google the NTEP reports and see if you can find local results that list the top-rated cultivars for your area.
And make sure the label says 0.00% weed seed and 0.00% other crop seed!
Phoenix said:
And make sure the label says 0.00% weed seed and 0.00% other crop seed!
What do you use to keep the weeds away? Great lawn and great advice on seeds. I just used the big box Scott’s, hoping it will pay off. If not, I’ll use Resilience II in the spring.
Skyler said:
What do you use to keep the weeds away? Great lawn and great advice on seeds. I just used the big box Scott’s, hoping it will pay off. If not, I’ll use Resilience II in the spring.
Used Scott’s Triple Action for seeding.
Same. Used GCI cool turf blue, and the TTTF germination blew me away. It started on day 4-5.
Toni said:
Same. Used GCI cool turf blue, and the TTTF germination blew me away. It started on day 4-5.
I saw whisps of green late on day 3, and by morning it was a tinge of green. Wife and I were amazed that even from morning to evening, you could tell a difference. It was amazing.