I Gave My Lawn Joe Burrow Frosted Tips with Tenacity What Should I Do Next

Take it to flavor town (fertilizer).

When can I use tenacity? I overseeded TTTF/KBG mix on September 15.

Add your lawn to your fantasy team?

There’s nothing you can do. It’ll grow out.

But don’t use Tenacity again unless you have nimblewill or bentgrass. The internet promotes this stuff, and it’s really a poor weed killer.

Toryn said:
There’s nothing you can do. It’ll grow out.

But don’t use Tenacity again unless you have nimblewill or bentgrass. The internet promotes this stuff, and it’s really a poor weed killer.

I have bentgrass.

Had? In that case, it’s the right product, but it will still take some time to fully kill it off.

Regardless, it will turn green again soon. Let it grow a bit, and next time you mow, you’ll cut off those tips.

Those bigger white areas in the back are mostly bentgrass patches I’m trying to eliminate.

Parker said:
Those bigger white areas in the back are mostly bentgrass patches I’m trying to eliminate.

Yeah, it’s really slow. It usually takes more than two hits. And once it’s dead, you’ll need to reseed those areas.

Toryn said:
There’s nothing you can do. It’ll grow out.

But don’t use Tenacity again unless you have nimblewill or bentgrass. The internet promotes this stuff, and it’s really a poor weed killer.

It works well for me. Why do you say that?

It’s not the right product, period. Unless you’re using it for bentgrass or nimblewill as OP is. Using it for general weed control shows you don’t care about what you’re applying and don’t want to use the right product.

I don’t get why people would use it and then wait weeks for a weed to die. Use the right product, and they die in a day or two without any negatives.

What’s another product I can use on crabgrass and still plant KBG and TTTF immediately?

Leander said:
What’s another product I can use on crabgrass and still plant KBG and TTTF immediately?

That’s a different story for seeding. But you need to kill the weeds first…

Quinclorac will kill crabgrass and many other broadleaf weeds, and you only need to wait 7 days before you can seed. After that, you could apply Tenacity and water it in, which will help it act as a pre-emergent instead of a post-emergent.

Leander said:
What’s another product I can use on crabgrass and still plant KBG and TTTF immediately?


You apply it yourself.

Dig it out.

Use Tenacity as a pre-emergent.


Do it all the same day, and you’re done.

Not on an acre of lawn. :joy:

Leander said:
Not on an acre of lawn. :joy:

Haha, Oh, I’m all for it!

I would have been out there with a headlamp and a blade, hunting crabgrass all night if I planned to seed today.

Toryn said:
There’s nothing you can do. It’ll grow out.

But don’t use Tenacity again unless you have nimblewill or bentgrass. The internet promotes this stuff, and it’s really a poor weed killer.


It’s nimblewill season. You can’t get rid of it without Tenacity. Nimblewill is terrible stuff.

Tenacity is good for:

1.) Pre-emergent when seeding.

2.) Killing nimblewill in 2 applications (I like to spray it the first time and not water it in. The second application, I water it in. Then the nimblewill doesn’t come back.)

Otherwise, there are better herbicide options.

[ Note: my neighbors have different methods for dealing with nimblewill -

Neighbor A - spot sprays heavily, cuts it down to the ground with scissors in 3 weeks, then sprays again. He gets faster results but not necessarily better ones.

Neighbor B - blanket sprays. Three weeks later, he pulls it out and sprays the bare spot and surrounding area again. This gives him the fastest results, but it’s more work. His results are similar to mine in terms of it not returning.

Neither of them water in Tenacity.]