Do I Need to Do Anything?

In September 2022, we bought a house with a beautiful lawn. It has an irrigation system that I use when needed (a lot this year since the rain stopped in August). I followed the Scott’s four-step lawn care system this year.

Do I need to do anything before spring next year? I haven’t done any overseeding or aerating. Part of me feels like I shouldn’t mess with it if it’s doing well, but I’m new to lawn care and want to keep it looking good.

I live in Ohio and I’m a beginner.

Your only option is to nuke it. No saving it, you gotta start over… /s

Vance said:
Your only option is to nuke it. No saving it, you gotta start over… /s

One of us… one of us…

Vance said:
Your only option is to nuke it. No saving it, you gotta start over… /s

Mix Triclopenhagen with Barbasol, use a Scott’s spreader, thatch, then dethatch. Do it horizontally on even days and vertically on odd days.

Sit back, crack open a beer, and enjoy your masterpiece.

Flint said:
Sit back, crack open a beer, and enjoy your masterpiece.

Exactly what I did last weekend!

Pick up that leaf. It’s a mess out there!

Sage said:
Pick up that leaf. It’s a mess out there!

My thoughts exactly!

Rin said:
Roll around on it!

Already plenty of that with my dog, kids, and me!

Rin said:
Roll around on it!

Haha, I just commented the same thing!

Looks like those blades need sharpening.

You’re lucky to have such a nice lawn. Most of the hard work is done, now you’re in maintenance mode.

Looks great as is! But a vertical cut and collecting clippings would also be a good idea.

Maybe check if the blades aren’t aligned properly, it’s cutting unevenly.

If you haven’t fertilized yet, I’d put down some winterizer. It’ll help it green up better in the spring.

Claim victory! By the way, great lawn!

Quit showing off! Haha, it looks amazing. Good job!

Grab a lawn chair and bask in the jealousy of your neighbors.

Seeing posts like this is like going on a fitness forum and someone with a six-pack is asking for advice. Just enjoy it, bro!

Jody said:
Seeing posts like this is like going on a fitness forum and someone with a six-pack is asking for advice. Just enjoy it, bro!

I get it, sorry! I inherited this lawn and I know I’m lucky. I’m new to lawn care and just don’t know if I need to do anything before winter to make sure it looks this good again next spring.