I just finished a big lawn renovation project and wanted to share my progress. I started by removing and scarifying the old lawn. On September 15th, I planted Resilience II seeds that I had pre-germinated with Milorganite and Scott Turf Builder. After four and a half weeks, I now have a beautiful green lawn. I’m in Livermore, California, and I can really recommend Resilience II seeds. My neighbors are already asking for advice for next year, so I wanted to share this with everyone.
Looks amazing! Great job.
I also used Resilience II this year and I’m really happy with it. It’s such a nice blend.
Montana said:
Looks amazing! Great job.
I also used Resilience II this year and I’m really happy with it. It’s such a nice blend.
The color and texture are fantastic. I can tell it will look great after mowing. Very impressed.
But how does it taste?
Presley said:
But how does it taste?
Definitely not edible!
I used the same seeds this year and had great results!
Here in NY, it’s almost time to cut it short before winter, which makes me a bit sad lol
I love how soft and lush it looks when it’s around 3-4 inches.
Great job! Your lawn looks fantastic!
New York, when did you start your overseeding? I started on October 5th and don’t see any grass so far.
Wren said:
New York, when did you start your overseeding? I started on October 5th and don’t see any grass so far.
My back lawn had some issues too. I had some problems with watering. I over-watered some areas and didn’t water enough in others since I was out of town. Then I aerated and fixed a few spots without pre-germinating the seed, which was a mistake. It didn’t sprout well, and I dealt with inconsistent watering and heat. Now I’m on track. I put down pre-germinated seeds again, adjusted my sprinkler heads, and it’s already looking better in just a few days.
Wren said:
New York, when did you start your overseeding? I started on October 5th and don’t see any grass so far.
I planted on October 6th in South Jersey (zone 7b). Some spots started to germinate in about 5 to 7 days, but other spots are still bare.
Do you have a sprinkler system? It hasn’t rained much here.
Wren said:
Do you have a sprinkler system? It hasn’t rained much here.
Yes, I have a sprinkler system. It’s been really dry lately. Last year I overseeded late too and had an above-ground system on timers but this year I set up a Rainbird one on timers. How often are you watering? Last year it took about 12 to 14 days to see growth because I overdid it with tenacity.
I don’t have an irrigation system, so I’ve been moving sprinklers around. I miss a few days of watering sometimes.
Wren said:
I don’t have an irrigation system, so I’ve been moving sprinklers around. I miss a few days of watering sometimes.
That’s probably an issue. The seed needs to stay wet all the time. I watered three times a day for 15 minutes for the first 10 days, then I lowered it. Let me know if you see growth by November. If not, just try again in spring and mark it on your calendar so you don’t forget lol.
I’m thinking of using bio tiller or nitrogen, but I’m not sure what to do lol.
Thanks! I think my gardener will cut it either today or tomorrow. I was planning to wait for 6 weeks, but I think any longer might cause issues with cutting.
That sounds like a really cool transformation
I think I will try Resilience II over my KBG lawn next year. I’m tired of all the care my KBG lawn needs.
Nice! I just ordered a bag of Blue Resilience from Twin City for my spring patching. I think it’s the same blend but with a little KBG. Your lawn looks awesome.
Do you think I should add something to help my lawn?