I have a weed growing in one area of my front lawn. Any idea what it might be and how to get rid of it safely without harming my dog? I have Bermuda grass in Houston, TX.
Bermuda grass is safe with glyphosate when it is completely dormant
Luca said:
Bermuda grass is safe with glyphosate when it is completely dormant
It’s a bit tricky. I waited until mid January one year after a really cold freeze to make sure the Bermuda was totally dormant. The areas I sprayed weren’t dead but they were definitely slower to come back in the spring and took time to green up compared to the rest of the lawn.
This is why it’s best to spray the whole lawn if you plan to use glyphosate on dormant Bermuda. Don’t use it on other warm season grasses, even if they look dormant.
Rin said:
This is why it’s best to spray the whole lawn if you plan to use glyphosate on dormant Bermuda. Don’t use it on other warm season grasses, even if they look dormant.
Yeah no thank you
Looks like Poa Annua. You should pull it out before it drops seeds.
Why pull it then treat?
Why pull it then treat?
I just dealt with it the first year after moving in and pulled some rye out whenever I took my dog outside. Then I learned how to kill rye in Bermuda and got to know MSM turf. I still pull out a few stragglers now and then, but it’s mostly under control.
Yes, it’s a new home and it was sodded around June last year
MSM won’t kill that weed
It’s definitely poa annua. Use Roundup if your Bermuda is completely dormant
Jonas said:
It’s definitely poa annua. Use Roundup if your Bermuda is completely dormant
Yes, it is dormant. Thanks for the suggestion! I’m just a bit worried about using Roundup since my dog goes on the lawn frequently.
Just keep the dog away from the sprayed area until it’s dry and it will be safe. Glyphosate and other weed killers work at much lower rates on plants than they do on mammals. Plus, after it dries, it sticks to the grass and soil and doesn’t come off in big amounts.
Looks like a fescue clump. Use Celsius herbicide, apply it, wait until it’s dry, and then it should be safe to go back on the lawn. It will go away in about a month, faster when it’s warm.
Fifer said:
Looks like a fescue clump. Use Celsius herbicide, apply it, wait until it’s dry, and then it should be safe to go back on the lawn. It will go away in about a month, faster when it’s warm.
Thanks for the suggestion, I’ll check it out
What type of Bermuda grass do you have?
Vern said:
What type of Bermuda grass do you have?
I didn’t know there were different types. I’m a new homeowner and this is my first lawn, I have no knowledge haha
Vern said:
What type of Bermuda grass do you have?
I didn’t know there were different types. I’m a new homeowner and this is my first lawn, I have no knowledge haha
Okay maybe it’s Tifway 419 since you are in Houston
Pull out the green sprouts so that your lawn looks nice and consistently brown.