What’s causing this and how to fix?

I know it’s some varmint, but need to know the best way to manage short and long term. Thanks in advance

Most likely voles. Very easy to deal with if you can follow the lines to a main point. They like to follow the lines they make. Put mouse traps right in line. No need for bait, they just walk over them. Caught a lot this way. You can get vole traps if you find the holes, but I had a tough time finding them.

Thanks, I assume voles too, didn’t know the best way to get rid of them.

God I hope this is true. I have spread every kind of repellent I can find…setting traps tonight. Will update.

8 traps, 1 catch 02/03/25. Will push them deeper into the ground to see if that helps.

Trap placement will depend on your lawn. Three sides of my lawn are against a wooded area. They come from there. I placed the traps in their lines coming from the woods. Did a great job.

Voles. Add things that block their paths; they don’t want to leave that channel. Metal mesh, rocks, etc. Make it not easy for them. I like the one post with the mouse traps. They are not very smart creatures. Bet that would work too. Snares also work well; they run through it and it snags them. Also, you can try mouse baits. It’s a process; gotta keep at it or they will win in the end.

Thanks, will try the traps previously recommended.

To put it bluntly; a castor oil-based repellent to make them someone else’s problem, trap them and do what you’d like with them, or let a predator take them out.

Come spring, you can leave it and it’ll fill in over time, or you can work in some good topsoil, maybe a little bit of compost, and seed that matches the turf you currently have. Won’t be able to out pre-emergent down in these areas, but these blemishes will be hardly noticeable by mid-summer.

Yeah, I assumed/hoped everything would fill in over time. I’ll give the repellent a try.

I do have mulch beds next to the house where I think they’re originating. Very deep and need cleaning out. Hoping that helps.

Was there snow over this area for an extended period of time? I’ve seen this sort of tunneling in the wild during spring when the snow had just melted.

Paxton said:
Was there snow over this area for an extended period of time? I’ve seen this sort of tunneling in the wild during spring when the snow had just melted.


Rowan said:

Get that affiliated link poa outta here. You spread that again and you’ll be rounded up!

Rowan said:

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