We had about a foot of snow melt here, and now I see these tracks everywhere. I’ve had snakes and moles before, but these don’t seem as damaging as mole tunnels. I notice them in almost every yard in the neighborhood too.
Terry said:
That’s what I was afraid of
Definitely voles 100%
For sure, it’s voles
What’s the best way to get rid of them
Ren said:
What’s the best way to get rid of them
I got some devices on Amazon that use plastic stakes with solar sensors on top. They vibrate and make noise when they sense movement, which keeps the voles away. They haven’t come back since I started using them. I hide them from view year round.
Vibration devices work well as a deterrent. I also put out dcon bait, but I’m not sure if it’s really working. Just be cautious if you have pets.
Ren said:
What’s the best way to get rid of them
We have mouse traps around our house since we live in the country, and I’ve caught more voles than mice this year (around 6 so far). Place the traps along the foundation of your house so they get caught as they pass by. We use peanut butter for mice, but find ourselves catching voles.
By the way, we have a gsp who loves hunting and brings home her catch.
Ren said:
What’s the best way to get rid of them
My cat brought me about one a day for three weeks. Haven’t seen any since then.
Ren said:
What’s the best way to get rid of them
Their nests are pretty easy to find, just follow the trails. They usually hide under things like garden beds or sheds, or they might make a pile of grass in the yard. I use a leaf blower to scare them out of the nest and then stomp on them. If you disturb their trails, they aren’t too quick in the open.
Ren said:
What’s the best way to get rid of them
How about cats?
Ren said:
What’s the best way to get rid of them
My three cats love hunting them, lol. Rat-hunting dogs could also be a good long-term solution.
These little pests are really hard to get rid of.
Ripley said:
These little pests are really hard to get rid of.
So true. I’ve been dealing with them just like Carl Spackler does with the gopher in Caddy Shack.
Yep, voles. You can just use a standard mouse trap.
Welcome to the club. It’s quite the experience with these little nuisances.
Put up a squirrel feeder and just stop feeding them, lol
Flint said:
Put up a squirrel feeder and just stop feeding them, lol
Yep, definitely voles