Grass is fine, just asleep. Let it rest. If you wanna do anything, it’s probably a good idea and time to get a soil test and plan out your fertilization for 2025.
This is an interesting comment… Because the only part that ALMOST makes sense is the most complex string of words in that paragraph:
>anthocyanins which is the pigmentation of the grass that gets damaged from cold temperatures.
But even that is super incorrect… Anthocyanin, the pigment responsible for purple and red colors (which aren’t present here), is intentionally released by grass to protect against damage from STRONG sunlight (not overcast) in cold temperatures. It’s called low temperature photo-inhibition, and it’s a beneficial process.
The rest can be dismissed outright. Sorry, I don’t like to be mean…
I had similar results with my lawn, I’m thinking it may be due to the extreme cold weather we had? Just a thought, hopefully spring will get it back to life!
Totally normal. Especially for new grass. It’s just not trying right now.
Tttf definitely goes dormant a bit harder than the other cool season lawn grasses. It would frankly be weird and possibly bad if it weren’t going yellow.
Oh, and I just got sick of how rarely people correctly used the old tags. So I wanted to reduce the total number of possible tags while adding inclusion for genuinely the whole world. I’m happy with my choices, fight me!
Only thing I maybe should do different, but probably won’t change again, is change “Australia” to “Australia and Oceania”.
Sage said: @Rin
Thanks Niles!!
Oh, and no worries, I thought that was probably why you made the switch on the tags! Makes sense.
Just gave me a good chuckle
Wrestling with these tags is so much more of an art than you could possibly imagine. Even now, people still use them wrong SO often