The area of our lawn where the kids play is pretty rough Any suggestions

It might be tough to grow grass So consider putting new sod down before it gets hot Water on days when the kids are not around Maybe try to tackle it again next year if some survives

Recommendation: focus on the front yard instead

You’re raising kids not grass

Blue said:
You’re raising kids not grass

Why both?

Zephyr said:

Blue said:
You’re raising kids not grass

Why both?

The kids basically destroy the grass And it’s one of the toughest types of grass available My lawn (where kids run around) won’t even grow weeds anymore.

You’re raising kids not grass

Maybe send the kids to the neighbor’s yard for a bit

Please take your shoes off before walking on my grass

If kids are using that area a lot, as it seems, the grass will likely give way to weeds and dirt patches from compaction If you want to keep the grass healthy, regular aeration, seeding, and fertilizer need to be on the agenda You might also think about pre and post-emergent treatment, just not while seeding. I work in facility management and specifically in landscaping for schools and large facilities The best and safest option is to put down sand or rubber mulch, or similar safe materials for play areas.

By the way, I’m based in South Carolina but grew up in Florida and my licenses are valid in both states One low-income housing project had us use wood mulch which was not safe for kids After two years we had to switch from mulch to anti-weed mats and the rubber “mulch” (clean tire shreds). Now the kids are enjoying the playground again as the previous mulch was a problem.

Just for the record rubber mulch might be legal but it’s recycled car tire at the end of the day and is known to be harmful Coating it doesn’t make it safe.

Yikes I really can’t picture anything worse than a playground made of shredded tires Why not Kikuyu grass instead

Terry said:
Yikes I really can’t picture anything worse than a playground made of shredded tires Why not Kikuyu grass instead

It’s not bad to run on or if kids fall It’s fine for them Kikuyu loves heat and humidity I’m in Perth, Australia where it’s been really hot recently and it thrives here.

But yes it holds up well throughout the year in our climate.

St. Augustine can’t be seeded

Reeve said:
St. Augustine can’t be seeded

Bermuda can be seeded though

Dustin said:

Reeve said:
St. Augustine can’t be seeded

Bermuda can be seeded though

Might as well go with one or the other

How about artificial grass