Storing Gorilla Carts

I have a 7 cu ft. Gorilla cart which I LOVE for lawncare projects… but the thing is huge and takes up a ton of space in the garage. How are you guys storing them?

Anyone modify one for quick disassembly/reassembly?

I keep mine in the backyard next to the shed, exposed to the elements. I prop it up straight to prevent water accumulation. After 7 years of use, I treat it like garbage, and it’s still going strong. I would buy 10 more if I had the space!

I did the same and left mine full of mud and water. After cleaning it, I noticed surface rust on some bolts. Now I store it upright.

I leave mine outside in the rain and snow. It’s super durable and has held up for years.

Parker said:
I leave mine outside in the rain and snow. It’s super durable and has held up for years.

I’m glad to hear that!

Parker said:
I leave mine outside in the rain and snow. It’s super durable and has held up for years.

Going on year 6 myself. I often have to dump out water and ice, but I still need to remember to drill a hole for drainage!

Parker said:
I leave mine outside in the rain and snow. It’s super durable and has held up for years.

Is yours metal? Mine is made of hard plastic.

Parker said:
I leave mine outside in the rain and snow. It’s super durable and has held up for years.

Mine is in a shed that doesn’t have doors, so it’s somewhat protected but still outside.

Parker said:
I leave mine outside in the rain and snow. It’s super durable and has held up for years.

I keep mine next to the AC unit, and it weathers really well.

Parker said:
I leave mine outside in the rain and snow. It’s super durable and has held up for years.

I leave mine at the end of my driveway.

I simply store mine in the shed.

Exposed to all weather in the backyard.

I have a third bay in my garage, and everything else is stored on the walls and ceiling, leaving the cart in place.

My cart is on the back patio, under an overhang, and I mostly use it to store bark and kindling. I modded it by drilling holes in the tires and filling them with foam to prevent flats from mesquite thorns.

It’s on the side of my house, collecting rain water. I dump it out occasionally.

For now, it just sits outside, although I considered building a shed or carport for it.

At my old place, I stored it outside, but now it’s in my basement utility area.

It’s under the overhang of my shed.

I hang it from heavy-duty hooks in my tool shed to save space. It works great since I don’t use it often.

I bought a cheap ceiling-mounted bike lift to hoist it when not in use.