Need Help with My Lawn – What Should I Do?

I’m a first-time homeowner and trying to figure out what to do with my lawn. I’ve removed some visible weeds, but I’m not sure if the plant in the picture is also a weed. There are so many of them that pulling them all out would leave the yard almost empty.

If weeds have taken over my yard, what’s the best way to handle it? Should I do something before winter, or would it be better to wait until spring and hire a professional?

I believe that’s clumping fescue. Most people on here will say to dig it out and reseed.

Start with a soil test. Don’t use an online service. Check with a local college that has an agriculture program…they usually offer soil testing and can give you recommendations. Use the time before winter to improve your soil. In the spring, core aerate, put down pre-germinated seed (you can find videos on YouTube), and top dress. If you want a uniform, golf course-like lawn, you can kill off everything first with glyphosate. Spend the spring taking care of the new grass and keep improving your soil.

First year with new grass I wouldn’t preemergent. Yeah you’re going to have some summer weeds but a good post emergent every 4-6 weeks and you should be good. I’d use tenacity if you guys are growing cool season grass

Does this advise also apply to the Chicagoland area?

Highly recommend MSU’s soil sample program. You pay a small fee, you mail them dirt, they text you results quickly. We needed to feed our lawn some K.