Need advice on taking care of my lawn as a beginner

Hello! I recently moved into a new home where the grass initially looked great, but now it has yellow, dry patches, and one section has no grass growing at all.

I’m new to lawn care and have no idea where to begin. Can anyone share tips on how to fix this?

I’m in Melbourne, Australia, where it’s summer and quite warm. I’m also unsure what type of grass I have.

Could be grubs or another pest underground attacking the roots

Honestly, it looks like damage from herbicide. Maybe someone accidentally sprayed weed killer near the beds

Mal said:
Honestly, it looks like damage from herbicide. Maybe someone accidentally sprayed weed killer near the beds

That could be it, or someone used too much fertilizer in those spots. That can happen while turning corners. Grubs can cause that look at certain times of the year. Tri-Azide can help with grubs

Mal said:
Honestly, it looks like damage from herbicide. Maybe someone accidentally sprayed weed killer near the beds

Yep, that’s what I was thinking too.

Strong cleaning products on the nearby pavement might cause similar damage. Something like bleach or a strong cleaner?

If that is the case, how do you fix it?

Tilden said:
If that is the case, how do you fix it?

You need to use a ton of water to dilute and wash it out.

Then, add beneficials, either from compost or something like gogo juice

The first picture looks a lot like burn from dog urine

Erie said:
The first picture looks a lot like burn from dog urine

I have no pets

Pax said:

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Could someone have used bug spray in the circular area?

Did the last owner have a dog? It looks like damage from nitrogen in dog urine

Kelley said:
Did the last owner have a dog? It looks like damage from nitrogen in dog urine

The previous owner moved out in September or October. I moved in December and the lawn was in great shape. I don’t think it’s pet-related

Pax said:

I definitely have no pets

Pax said:

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Let’s stick to helpful advice