My small lawn still makes me happy

Laken said:

Channing said:
I don’t have kids yet, but I’d definitely have that fear too when I do.

Maybe think about adding a nice little fence around it.

I wish I could, but I live in an HOA and they have strict rules. So it’s probably not allowed :frowning:

Is that fescue grass?

I’ve never really been into ryegrass, but yours looks stunning :heart_eyes:.

Hey! Are you looking for overseeding tips? You can find more info in this post

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Oops, missed the product pic. I’d suggest cutting it a bit shorter in spring and fall when it’s growing more actively. I keep my tall fescue a little lower in those seasons to encourage spread. Then, in the summer, I raise the height to keep it from burning out.

I’m not 100% sure what grass type I had before (thought it was KBG, but who knows, I didn’t plant it). I overseeded with a rye/KBG mix. I’m keeping it just under 3.5 inches now since I still have some new grass filling in.