My lawn (~1000 square feet) is fireball perennial rye grass, and I’ve been keeping it at 2.5” height of cut with my Honda rotary mower. I’m looking to get into reel mowing because it would mean one less gas motor to maintain, and I’ve heard the quality of cut is significantly better. Has anyone here had success using a reel mower on PRG? If so, which mower do you use?
Are you considering a powered or manual mower? A good manual reel mower, when properly maintained and used with some effort, will handle PRG just fine. However, a gas-powered reel mower will significantly outperform it by cutting many more times as you pass over. My neighbor uses an old Jacobsen from a local golf course, and it works well on his PRG and TTTF lawn.
I was thinking of starting with a manual before investing in gas reel mowers due to the cost. I already mow every other day anyway, so frequent mowing is not an issue for me.
Corey said:
I was thinking of starting with a manual before investing in gas reel mowers due to the cost. I already mow every other day anyway, so frequent mowing is not an issue for me.
You’ll definitely get a good workout from it!
I recommend brands like ALM, Earthwise, Scott’s, or Great States. They are all made by the same company, if I’m not mistaken. For higher cut heights, a 5-blade manual should work fine. I started with a 7-blade manual ALM, but eventually moved to a gas-powered reel mower due to issues with washboarding from the fine cut of the blades leading to a thicker lawn. I have Bermuda grass in the south, so I keep my grass short. I also have a five-blade manual mower that I use on my parents’ Bermuda during the growing season, and it works well for taller grass with less maintenance.
Why would you opt for a reel mower on such tall grass?
Charlie said:
Why would you opt for a reel mower on such tall grass?
I’m looking at this option because it would mean one less gas motor to maintain, and I’ve heard that the cut quality is significantly better.
Rotary mowers usually cut under 1 inch, similar to a golf course green. Maintaining a good reel mower can be quite intensive.
Charlie said:
Rotary mowers usually cut under 1 inch, similar to a golf course green. Maintaining a good reel mower can be quite intensive.
I think you meant to refer to the reel mower, but I’m aware of that for a gas-powered model. That’s why I’m considering starting with a manual reel mower. There are many options that can achieve up to about 3 inches of height. I’m just curious if anyone has had good experiences with specific brands. Otherwise, they are affordable enough that I can try a few to see which one I prefer.