Looking for tips on caring for buffalo grass

I installed buffalo grass a couple of years ago where there was gravel. The soil beneath the top soil is pretty hard clay. I don’t need the lawn to look perfect since I have toddlers and a dog, but I’m seeking a step by step guide to help make it greener and deal with bare spots. Any advice would be great. Thank you…

Get some slow-release fertilizer from a garden store. Scott’s is good and easy to spread because of its small grain size, but there are other options too. Just follow the instructions on the package.

I also use dynamic lifter pellets a few times a year for better soil health.

If you want a quicker greening effect, get some hose-on fertilizer and apply that first, then use the slow-release one in a couple of weeks.

Water it as needed based on your rainfall.

Mow it regularly, following the 1/3 rule; look it up if you’re not familiar.

You might want to raise your mower a bit, but read up on the cutting heights for buffalo grass to find what suits you and your desired look.

Awesome, thank you so much :slight_smile:

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