Kentucky bluegrass, tiff tuff mixture, lots of sand and time.
Kim said:
Money. Lots of it.
Don’t forget swimming pool quantities of water and products.
Hire a full-time staff of professionals trained in turf management.
Whoa can you simplify it I’m sorry I’m new to this:joy:.
All you need is to overseed ryegrass in the fall and a striping kit on your mower, easier than you think.
Yeah, be born rich with heaps of time and water.
With the other great posts I must add…get yourself a Cal Trimmer.
I can coach you through it if you want.
Ren said:
Play soccer.
This is what I came to say lol. The better you are at soccer, the better grass you shall have!!
Ren said:
Play soccer.
This is what I came to say lol. The better you are at soccer, the better grass you shall have!!
Unless you play all the soccer in your backyard. Then all your grass is dead.
-has children who play soccer. Have no grass.
My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard. Mother would come out and say, ‘You’re tearing up the grass’; ‘We’re not raising grass,’ Dad would reply. ‘We’re raising boys.’
Harmon Killebrew
That’s a crazy thing to argue on a post that shows a field that is abused in ways far beyond what children could do.
If grass can’t stand up to traffic from children or pets, that’s not because it’s impossible… That’s because it’s not getting proper care.
Hire a whole crew like they did. Nothing comes easy or cheap.
Buy a fútbol team and have them play in your backyard. The more you yell ‘Goooooooooooolllllllllllllllllll!!!’ The greener and fuller it’ll grow.
Hire the staff that maintains that pitch.