I think you’ll be alright, buddy.
Yeah, I’m in the same situation, maybe a couple days ahead but still not thrilled.
I’m in a similar position too. Went from super hot to non-stop rain in September, so I ended up seeding pretty late. Just water when it’s sunny if possible and hope for the best. If you can get two weeks without it getting really cold, you’re probably good, but every day it stays above 35ish will help your chances.
Nothing you can do now, so let that stress go. Hopefully, your lawn will be better in spring thanks to your work this fall.
That one weed is driving me nuts.
You’ll probably be fine. What are your daytime highs and soil temps?
Ari said:
You’ll probably be fine. What are your daytime highs and soil temps?
Maybe try watering heavily late in the evening; that can help protect it.
Yes, and it’s not helping my lawn!
Some folks cover plants with a thin layer of fabric to guard against frosty nights.
You could also use one of those gardening tents to provide warmth.