I’m in Western WA too. I (successfully) use GopherHawk traps.
These are ground hornets I think. Nest along sidewalks and driveways.
They do not like Bayer lawn insect killer.
Gopherhawk traps work the best and cause minimal damage to the lawn compared to other traps.
Gopher Hawk. Best trap. Getting rid of grubs doesn’t always work since they also eat earthworms.
Hear me out. Have you considered punching every one in the face?
I’ve used castor oil pellets a couple of times and they work great. I guess they don’t like the taste and leave.
Grub killer, water it in. Then find their main highway, put down spike traps, and wait. Last month, I bagged three over the course of a week or so. Haven’t seen them since.
Traps, there are several types specifically for moles. One I’ve tried is an impaling trap and a wire trap, both worked well. Only part is dealing with the animal carcass.
Tape a water hose in your exhaust pipe and stuff the other end in one of their holes. Then you just let your car idle for an hour. Rinse and repeat as necessary.
Yeah, I recognize WWA. First, hire a mole guy. I know I know, isn’t that expensive? Well kinda, but they will take care of business before you probably will. Then kill the grubs they are after and do it semi-yearly.
Have you tried an oversized and silly-looking hammer when you see them pop out of the ground? I feel like some of us might have been training for this moment our whole lives.
Hadi said:
Poison worms.
After trying all the mumbo jumbo, this finished the job on my vole infestation. Can’t recommend it more for both voles and moles.
Hadi said:
Poison worms.
After trying all the mumbo jumbo, this finished the job on my vole infestation. Can’t recommend it more for both voles and moles.
I’m telling ya. I was all about scissor traps until this year. Started seeing pushed-up grass on the lawn, threw in a couple of worms in each hole I made, and gone in two days. In September, same thing. Just rinse and repeat and gone.
Hadi said:
Poison worms.
Where do you get the worms from?
Use great stuff spray foam.